Almighty ever-living God, we humbly implore your majesty that,
just as your Only Begotten Son was presented on this day in the Temple in the substance of our flesh,
so, by your grace, we may be presented to you with minds made pure.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God,
for ever and ever
Today the Church celebrates the ‘Feast of the Presentation of the Lord’ which occurs forty days after the birth of Jesus and is also known as Candlemas Day. Founded by Pope St. John Paul II in 1997, today is the ‘World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life’. He attached it to “Candlemas Day” because the consecrated men and women are to be the light in the world, imitating Jesus, the Light of the World.
Welcome to the 2024 school year, especially to our new staff members, students and families. I hope the transition into our Holy Cross Community has been a seamless one and that you have felt warmly welcomed.
I hope you have had an enjoyable summer break and are ready for another engaging year at HCC, taking on the opportunities that come your way. This includes the ability to demonstrate our eight values – dignity, personal best, compassion, connection, justice, service, gratitude and stewardship, throughout the year. These values are what shapes our College culture, and our individual actions impact upon our school environment, and help form that culture.
Thank you all for a vibrant and positive start to the term, despite the heat wave. Our combined Welcoming Mass to commence the year set the tone for staff with Fr Felipe’s homily on the vocation of teaching. Staff have been busy with the organisation of the events ahead. Our Commissioning Mass, inductions, staff planning, leadership planning, the Year 12 Ball and our first assembly have already taken place.
I thank our Grounds and Maintenance team for ensuring our school is ready for the new year – the care for the grounds, furniture set up, repairs and maintenance and the list goes on…… Thank you!
Our Finance and Administration Team have also been back for a few weeks already ensuring our process and procedures are set and we are well resourced. The IT Team have worked hard to ensure the seamless roll out of the new devices and also to ensure that we are effectively connected with our technology.
High Achievers 2023
We are all not perfect, but we can strive to be the best versions of ourselves. A group of 2023 graduate students, who have done just that were acknowledged today in the area of ‘Academics’ at our assembly.
Our high achieving students have reached their personal expectations and goals. They made many sacrifices with their time in order to reach their goals; These sacrifices demonstrate that these students have taken the ‘long view’ and are indeed, visionary young people who are embracing our changing world.
I thank all the staff involved, that have influenced and shaped the formation of these high achieving students and I thank their parents for their partnership over the years.
Congratulations to these students:
ATAR Above 90
Therese Topliss
James McGowan
Ella Collopy Champness
Nicholas Goimil
Eloise Ham – UWA, Master of Architecture
Certificate of Distinction
Therese Topliss – Notre Dame studying Teaching.
James McGowan – Curtin University: Engineering
Certificate of Excellence
Therese Topliss – RE
Certificate of Merit
Ella Collopy Champness – Murdoch University, studying a Bachelor of Science in Wildlife, Biology and Conservation.
Nicholas Goimil – UWA, study a Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) in Psychology.
Violet Ham – Curtin University, Nursing
Chelsea Bull – ECU Joondalup, Double Degree in Law and Criminology
Daniel Tassell – Taking a gap year this year and is working in order to travel Europe later in the year. In 2025 he is planning a career pathway in the Air Force or a Travel and Adventure Guide.
Lidia Company – Lidia accepted an early offer to study Anthropology at Curtin University

Year Twelve Ball
Thank you to Christina Davini, Georgina Pratt, Simon Falcone and all staff involved with the organisation of the Year 12 Ball. Melissa Gregory – IRL (12) – took the time to introduce herself to the students on the evening. Our Year 12 students, were respectful and responsible and they enjoyed a wonderful evening of dancing, singing and socialising.

LIFE Leaders for 2024:
Year 8 LIFE Leaders
Learning Leader: Isaac Evans
Inter-relationships Leader: Kyana Martin
Faith Leader: Faith Juru
Enrichment Leader: Max Carr
Year 9 LIFE Leaders
Learning Leader: Aiva Bolton
Inter-relationships Leader: Annaliah Palm
Faith Leader: Theodore Gomes-Sebastiao
Enrichment Leader: Keenan Delauney
Year 10 LIFE Leaders
Learning Leader: Gurroopdeep Sangha
Inter-relationships Leader: Lilly Callisto
Faith Leader: Tammin Dobby
Enrichment Leader: Indiana Sirolli
Year 11 LIFE Leaders
Learning Leader: Paige Bolton
Inter-relationships Leader: Johan Cairo
Faith Leader: Ella Goodenough
Enrichment Leader: Thomas Jacklin

Secondary Staffing Information
Senior Leadership Team
Principal: Julie Hornby
Vice Principal: Christina Davini (Term One) Albert Borrello
Assistant Principal PK-2: Sascha Saulsman
Assistant Principal 3-6: Linley Waters
Deputy Principal – Learning: Greg Quinn
Deputy Principal – Inter-Relationships: Simon Falcone (Term One) Christina Davini
Deputy Principal – Faith: Daniel Bateman
Deputy Principal – Enrichment: Paul Murphy
Ass. Deputy Principal – Digital Architecture: Stewart Crainie
Principal’s PA: Melanie Whitton
Business Manager: Jean Topliss
Secondary Inter-relationship Leaders (IRL’s)
Year 7: Georgina Pratt
Year 8: Lisa Walton
Year 9: John Dautopulos (Term One) Simon Falcone
Year 10: Chris Spencer
Year 11: Ashton White
Year 12: Melissa Gregory
Secondary Learning Area Leaders (LAL’s)
Religious Education: Melissa Cartner
Arts: Chris Gooch
English: Toni Strong
HASS: Karen Taylor
Mathematics: Shiny Joseph
PE/Health: Jemma Ogilvie
Science: Sarah McBride
Technologies: Janet Flametti
VET Coordinator: Orilee Ryan
Careers and Transition Coordinator: Jodie Reynolds
Leader of Inclusive Education: Christine Hayes
Leader of Tarma – Learning Support: Iona Scott
House Patron for 2024 – Salvado!
In 1846 Dom Salvado, made the journey from Subiaco to establish the New Norcia mission with a primary concern for the care of the Aboriginal peoples. This is now known as the Camino Salvado, one in which you will experience over your years here at HCC. It is in the quiet times of the journey that you will walk with just the rhythm of your heartbeat, experiencing a new silence with no external influences.
From the poet John O’Donohue:
When you travel,
A new silence
Goes with you,
And if you listen
You will hear
What your heart would
Love to say.
A journey can become a sacred thing. Just as Dom Rosendo Salvado journeyed; navigating his way over 170 km, I take this opportunity to wish you all the very best on your new journey as we navigate our way through the 2024 Salvado College year together.
Ms Julie Hornby