This week the feast of St Bonaventure was celebrated. He was Franciscan that was born in Italy and studied in France. His theology was based on an integration of faith with reason. Please keep Fr Bona and the St Helena of the Holy Cross Parish in your prayers this week as they celebrate his feast day.
Dear Lord,
We thank You for giving us Your servant, St. Bonaventure, as an example of holiness. Help us to imitate the willingness to serve You that he showed in his decision to enter religious life as a Franciscan.
You continued on in the path of service to God throughout your life. You led your order for many years and faithfully shepherded the people entrusted to you as a cardinal and bishop.
Pray that I may be open to serving God in whatever way He might call me.
Dear Parents,
Welcome to Term Three! It has been wonderful to see our Pre-K to 12 students back on campus this week and settling into classes. I do hope the holidays were kind to our families and all were safe and well.
The blazers look fantastic on our Year 5-10 students and thank you to parents and caregivers for their support in upholding our Uniform and Grooming policy.
Our Tui playground renovations have begun and many of you may have seen the changes to the rear playground fencing to accommodate more play space for the students. Over the next two years we aim to increase further the play space for our Pre-K to Year 1 students and reduce the soft woodchips that have been a feature in the past. Stay tuned for further updates.

A special thank you to the Shelley Miller and the Arts team for their outstanding work on the Senior School Production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The feedback on the performances have been exceptional. With two more shows scheduled for tonight and tomorrow, I encourage all members of our community to attend and support our talented students.

This week the College celebrated NAIDOC Week with House Liturgies. It was a great opportunity for our community to come together under the 2024 theme, Keep the fire burning!
Blak, loud and proud. We have many outstanding leaders within our Holy Cross College community who keep the fire burning year-round. Mr Joseph Hinder is a great example as he plays an integral role of connecting his culture with the professional sporting community as a player at the West Perth Falcons. Mr Hinder is pictured here as part of the NAIDOC Week celebrations at West Perth.

Looking ahead, we eagerly anticipate next week’s Junior School Musical, The Big Bad Musical and the CPSSA Inter-school Cross Country Carnival . All the best to the students involved!
Finally, an update on our Middle and Senior School pastoral structures. Students will be spending more time with their House Tutor Group (HTG) teacher in semester two. We have moved our Year level Tutor Group (YTG) on Mondays to now be a HTG class. The relationship between students and their HTG teacher is an essential element of our pastoral structures and we envision this growing further in semester two.
Finally, I will conclude my fortnightly communication with a Gospel Challenge for our students to embark on for the week ahead.
This week’s Gospel reading from Mark tells of tired Apostles needing a break from the crowds and time alone with Jesus. However, Jesus was compassionate to the crowds and spent time with them.
I encourage our students next week to live like Christ by taking time to rest, pray and spend time alone with Christ.
Kind regards
Mr Albert Borrello