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Principal’s Blog

Throughout the month of October, our prayer will be the Hail Mary in honour of October being the month of the Holy Rosary. 


Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

What incredible weather we have had to start our final Term of 2024. It has been wonderful to have the students back on campus as they continue their journey of being engaged, challenged and progressing with their learning.

In this week’s blog, I have cast an eye forward to 2025 with staffing updates within our Middle and Senior School

2025 Inter-relationships Leaders (IRL)

Congratulations to Miss Georgina Pratt who is expecting her first child in early 2025! We are all very excited for Miss Pratt.

With Miss Pratt taking leave in 2025 I have outlined our IRL team for next year. The College is fortunate to have a committed team who will continue to ensure our students experience ‘Life to the Full’ at HCC.

Year 7: Chris Spencer

Year 8: Simon Falcone

Year 9: Lisa Walton

Year 10: John Dautopulos

Year 11: Melissa Gregory

Year 12: Ashton White

Mr Chris Spencer has begun the process of working with Miss Pratt to ensure a smooth transition for our Year 6s students who will be joining our Middle School next year.

After-school Duty of Care

The College has reviewed its duty of care transition from Holy Cross College staff to parents in the afternoon. Please be aware that students cannot wait for parents, guardians or older siblings outside of the Parish. We have duty teachers stationed at the Fitzroy Kiss n Drive area and all Junior School students will be moved to this location. 

From Week 2 onwards HCC staff will be moving students to the Fitzroy Kiss n Drive area unless under the supervision of a parent or guardian. Fr Bona has requested that our families respect the Parish grounds to ensure they remain a sacred space for all members of the community.

Year 12

Please continue to keep our Year 12 students in your prayers as they move towards their final ATAR exams. Next Friday we look forward to celebrating the journey of the Year 12 cohort with the Graduation Mass, Awards Ceremony and Dinner. 

Gospel Challenge

This week’s Gospel from Mark tells us that a wealthy man, who had obeyed all of God’s commandments, was still unable to enter the kingdom of Heaven because he could not give up his wealth to follow Jesus. Jesus says that entering Heaven is impossible for humans, but not for God. It aims to show that we need to follow all of God’s commands, but we also need to be willing to give up everything we have to follow God. 

A great challenge for this week would be to look at giving up some of your possessions and donating them to those in need. 

Kind regards

Albert Borrello