Principal Memo – 16th August 2024
A Special Prayer for Peace in the Holy Land on the Feast of the Assumption of Mary (August 15)
O most glorious Mother of God,
raised above the choirs of angels,
pray for us with St. Michael the Archangel
and with all the angelic powers of heaven
and with all the saints,
to your most holy
and beloved Son, Our Lord and master.
Obtain for this Holy Land,
for all his children
and for all humanity
the gift of reconciliation and peace.
May your prophecy be fulfilled:
the proud are scattered
in the imaginations of their hearts;
the mighty are overthrown from their thrones,
and finally, the humble are raised;
Let the hungry be filled with good things,
the peaceful be recognised as children of God
and the meek may receive the earth as a gift.
Week 5
Dear Parents
Week Five is already complete, and we are halfway through an enjoyable and rewarding Term Three!
Staffing Update – Head of Primary
To support the college’s growing needs, we will introduce a new Position to the College Leadership Team in 2025. The College has advertised for a Head of Primary, who will work alongside the Principal and Vice Principal to lead the college’s strategic intent. The successful applicant will be announced to the community before the end of Term 3.

Camino Day
Last Friday was our second Camino Day for 2024 with all students from Year 4-12 off campus walking different sections of the Camino. Our College has a rich tradition of pilgrimage as students encounter a ‘journey of transformation’ during the time at HCC. It was a moving experience to see our Year 12 walk into the New Norcia Abbey to complete the 188km journey. Thank you to the parents who attended the event, and thanks to Mrs Pia Hookway and Mr Bateman for their organisation. Life to the full is alive and well with our Camino experience!

Junior School Carnival
Well-done to McCormack, back-to-back Champions since 2019!!! Thank you to all the parents and caregivers who braved the weather and helped make the day a success. House Spirit was alive and well and I would like to acknowledge the efforts of the HPE Team to ensure the day ran as smoothly as possible – it sure was a winter carnival! Thanks also to FHC for the Sausage Sizzle fundraisers.

Book Week
Wow! Holy Cross College has the most incredible Book Fair I have seen. Thank you to FHC and all the parents who came and supported the Fair; it was a hoot! We are blessed to have Mrs Colleen Azzopardi create a magical space for our community each year.

Canberra Tour
I wish the 34 students and six staff safe travels as they jet into Canberra/Melbourne today. It is wonderful that our Year 9 and 10 students are the first cohort to head interstate since COVID-19. We look forward to the Canberra/Melbourne Tour returning as an annual trip.
National Science Week – Week 5
This year’s theme was Species Survival – More than Just Sustainability, and the activities provided lived up to the theme. From Bee Hotels, Solar Cars and a Seed Challenge, there was something for all ages to engage with and enjoy! Thanks to our Science team for bringing Science to life at our College.
SOTA/ Angelico Art Exhibition
Well done to all the students who presented their work at the Angelico Art Exhibition on Tuesday evening. The standard of work being produced in our Junior, Middle and Senior Schools is incredible. We will hold our own exhibition in Term 4 for our community to view the amazing talents of our students.
Professional Development Day – Friday August 23
Please be aware that Friday is a Professional Development Day for staff and, therefore, a Pupil-Free Day for students.
Congratulations to Mrs Christina Davini on her appointment as Deputy Principal at Mater Dei College, commencing January 2025. Mrs Davini has had an incredible journey at HCC and will leave a lasting legacy. Please join me in congratulating Mrs Davini. We look forward to celebrating Mrs Davini’s contribution to the College in Term 4.

Gospel Challenge
In this week’s gospel from John, Jesus tells the people that if they eat and drink the body and blood of Christ, they will live forever.
Challenge: This week’s challenge is to ensure that we have Jesus in our lives every day through prayer.
Kind regards
Mr Albert Borrello