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Principal’s Blog

Prayer – World Social Justice Day, February 20th  

Adapted from Pope Francis’ Fratelli Tutti 

O God, Trinity of love, 

from the profound communion of your divine life, 

pour out upon us a torrent of sisterly and brotherly love. 

Grant us the love reflected in the actions of Jesus, 

in his family of Nazareth, 

and in the early Christian community. 

Grant that we Christians may live the Gospel, 

discovering Christ in each human being, 

recognising him crucified 

in the sufferings of the abandoned 

and forgotten of our world, 

and risen in each sister or brother 

who makes a new start. 

Come, Holy Spirit, show us your beauty, 

reflected in all the peoples of the earth, 

so that we may discover anew 

that all are important and all are necessary, 

different faces of the one humanity 

that God so loves. 


Dear Parents and Caregivers, 

Congratulations to Ozanam House! 

Well-done Ozanam House who won the first carnival of 2025, the Middle/Senior School Inter-house Swim Carnival! It was a fantastic day filled with excitement and sportsmanship. I would like to extend my congratulations to all the students who participated and showcased their talents. A special thank you to the parents and caregivers who came to support and cheer for our students. Your presence made the day even more memorable. 

Introducing the New Friends of Holy Cross Executive 

I am pleased to introduce the new Friends of Holy Cross Executive for this year. Please join me in welcoming: 

  • Chair: Kat Elmer-Gray 
  • Deputy Chair: Kelly Samuel 
  • Secretary: Andrea Porras 
  • Treasurer: Jade Gardiner 

We are grateful for their willingness to serve and contribute to our community. Meetings will be held on the Thursday morning of Week 3 in each term. We look forward to their leadership and the positive impact they will bring. 

Thank You for the Welcome BBQ 

A big thank you to all the parents who helped support the Welcome BBQ. It was a great afternoon, and we truly appreciate the effort from families to work with the College as we continue our ‘Journey of Transformation’ in 2025. Your involvement and support are invaluable to us. 

Right to Disconnect 

Please be aware that Holy Cross College staff have the ‘Right to Disconnect’ as per the Fair Work Commission’s update in August 2024. Our staff will be available from 8.00am to 4.00pm each day and will respond to all communication within a 48-hour window. For urgent matters, please call the College directly. We thank you for your support in respecting the rights of our staff. 

Student Belongings 

We advise parents to be extra vigilant about what students bring to school. Please remind your children to keep expensive items at home if they are not required for their education. This will help ensure a safe and focused learning environment for all. 

Baby News: 

Congratulations to members of our Holy Cross College staff who are expecting new arrivals in 2025! 
Jane Gibson in our English Team is expecting her first child. 
Aisling Forbes (our substantive AP on maternity leave) is expecting baby no 2. 
Carmela Kovacevich (JS Teacher on maternity leave) is expecting baby no 2. 
Larissa Murdzoski (College Art Teacher on maternity leave) is expecting baby no 2. 

We wish our expecting mothers all the best we will keep them in our prayers.  

Gospel Challenge  

In  this weekend’s  Gospel from Luke, Jesus  says  that  we  must love  others,  even  those  who hurt  us.  

Jesus tells  us  not  to  judge others,  but  to  be  merciful  and God  will  show  us  mercy. 

Our challenge this week is inspired from the Gospel of Luke 6:37 – “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Forgive, and you will be forgiven”.  

Have a great weekend!  

Kind regards 

Albert Borrello 