☘️St Patrick’s Day Prayer☘️
God our Father,
you sent Saint Patrick to preach your glory to the people of Ireland.
By the help of his prayers,
may all Christians proclaim your love to all men.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever
St Patrick is a very popular saint. He was enslaved at the age of 14 and turned to God during this time. He escaped at the age of 20 and began studying for the Priesthood. He preached for 40 years in Ireland converting thousands of people. He is the patron saint of Ireland. For those of you that celebrate St Patrick’s Day, and all that it stands for, I wish you happiness and family joy on Sunday.
NAPLAN has progressed well this week. Thank you to Mr Paul Murphy (Deputy Principal, Enrichment), Linley Waters (Assistant Principal), the IT Team and all staff supervising, organising the accommodations and assisting to ensure all was in place for our students.
Kindness Challenge Days
Year 6, 11 and 12 Kindness Challenges Day’s took place this week. Many thanks to Ms Ashton White (Year 11 Inter-relationships Leader) and Melissa Gregory (Year 12 Inter-relationships Leader) , Clare Rosman, Gabbie McKinnon and Skye Hannd (Year 6 Teachers) for the work involved in the success of these days. Thank you to our students and staff for the participation and engagement.

Reconciliation Enrolment Masses
Reconciliation Enrolment Masses will be held at St Helena’s of Holy Cross Parish over the weekend. Thank you to Linley Waters, Daniel Bateman, and especially to our teachers for preparing the students, in partnership with the Parish.
Staffing News
Congratulations to the following staff member:
Ms Linley Waters has been appointed as Head of Primary School, at St Joseph’s in Northam and will commence in Term 2. We wish Linley all the best and she will be very much missed at HCC.
Mrs Ash Crosby has been appointed as College Nurse and will commence Term 2. Mrs Corsby will work Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays to replace Mrs Norelle de Vries.
College Advisory Council (CAC)
This week we had our first CAC meeting. Thank you to our parents who have volunteered their time and expertise as Council members.
Our CAC elected members are:
Lee Pearson – Chairperson
Rodney Gardiner – Deputy Chair
Rob McCaw – Treasurer
Sr Joanne Dickson – Sisters of Mercy
Rachel Ritchie – Member
John O’Reilly – Member
Eva Gomes -Sebastio – Friends of Holy Cross
Fr Bona – Parish Priest
Jean Topliss – HCC Business Manager
Albert Borrello / Christina Davini – Vice Principal / Secretary
Paul Murphy – Deputy Principal, Enrichment
Julie Hornby – Principal
Ms Julie Hornby